Friday, January 29, 2010

Amish Friendship Bread.. Adventure 1

About 2 weeks ago my good friend Jen gave me a bag of goo, a package of pudding and a list of instructions. I was curious.. but thought, she made it so easy why not?

This was my first mistake.

It is easy, fun and OH MY GOSH tasty. I brought half of the first batch to work, and though they will eat anything, I was amazed at how FAST the batch went and who wanted their own bag of goo. This was good as I shared my three bags with friends at the office which meant, come 10 days from then we would have up to 16 bags to share.

Well I started looking at what was in this wonderful amazingly sweet bread and figured.. I better find another way to do this, my waist can't afford this!

I stumbled across a recipe to "morph" the sweet bread into sourdough.. at least for once cycle. Its here: (about 1/4 of the way down see Holly Six)

So.. on day 6 of my starter I split it.. this weekend I will make 1 batch of sourdough per her instructions and one batch of basic friendship bread (from the other "half" of my starter) with sugar free white chocolate pudding mix, 1 Yoplait cup of white chocolate strawberry yogurt (instead of oil) and then add white chocolate chips and craisins, I will take this to a friends house for dessert at a party that Bill and I have. (I'm picking up a good amount of ice cream in case the whole thing is a disaster). I will then feed my regular half of starter as normal and my sourdough starter ONLY water and flour (throwing it a few tablespoons of sugar perhaps) and we will see what happens..

I figured I'd start a blog.. perhaps keep me on this kick (which Bill claims I won't hold onto)